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Join our Rotary Action Group

To become a member of the
Blindness Prevention Rotary Action Group


Who is eligible to join the Action Group?

Effective with our 2007 elections, the following are now eligible to join our Action group: 

  • Active Rotarians, in good standing
  • Spouses / Partners of active Rotarian
  • Rotaract members 
  • In addition Honorary Membership may be bestowed upon non-Rotarian Eyecare Professionals if deemed worthy by the Board of Directors. 
  • This Rotary Action Group is open to professional and non-professional Rotarians alike.

What are the Membership Fees?

Effective July 1, 2014, the following Membership fees were adopted.  These changes were made to insure that the Action Group would continue to remain solvent in order to retain its status with Rotary International.  In addition, effective July 1, 2014 there are no longer "Lifetime Memberships".  Because so many of our members originally became Lifetime members, we were not receiving annual income.  We were not alone in this regard.  Several other Action Groups faced the same situation.  Thus, RI's decision that Action Groups should no longer offer "lifetime" memberships with no annual dues. The following membership fees went into effect at the 2014 Sydney convention.

Fees for Active Rotarians, Spouses/Partners

  • $50.00 - Annual Membership (must be renewed each year in July in order to maintain membership status.  If not renewed by 12/31, the member will be dropped from the membership rolls.)

  • $100.00 - Three Year Membership (this membership classification saves the member $50.00 during the 3-year period of time.  In order to continue as a member, at the end of 3 years, the member can either renew as an Annual member or a 3-year member.  If neither classification is renewed by 12/31 of the renewal year, the member will be dropped from the RAG membership roll.)

Fees for Rotaractors

  • $25.00 - Annual Membership must be renewed each year in July in order to maintain membership status.  If not renewed by 12/31, the member will be dropped from the membership rolls.)

  • $50.00 - Three Year Membership this membership classification saves the Rotaractor $25.00 during the 3-year period of time.  In order to continue as a member, at the end of 3 years, the Rotaractor can either renew as an Annual member or a 3-year member.  It neither classification is renewed by 12/31 of the renewal year, the member will be dropped from the RAG membership roll.  In addition, any Rotaractor who later becomes a Rotarian will be automatically switched to standard  RAG membership for Rotarians and billed accordingly.

Lifetime Members, Charter Members and Charter Honorary Members

Note:  At the June 2014 board meetine during the RI Convention in Sydney, and based on recommendations from Rotary International, it was unanimously decided by all Board Members and officers that:

  • All members who were at that time known as "Lifetime" members would automatically become "Charter Lifetime Members" and their "Lifetime" membership status would end effective July 1, 2017. 

  • In addition, effecitive with the June 2014 Board meeting, it was unanimously decided that Lifetime memberships would no longer be available effective with the opening date of the 2014 Sydney Convention.

  • Then, effectie July 1, 2017, all Charter Lifetime Members would once again be required to pay dues.   If at that time, they decided they did not want to pay dues, their membership status woulc be changed to "Charter Honorary" members wih no recognition as "lifetime" members. 

  • They would remain on the RAG rolls as Charter Honorary members, but would not be able to serve the Action Group as an officer or board member or as an Area Respresentative.  They would also no longer have voting rights. 

  • These changes were made to insure the ongoing fiscal solvency of the Action Group per recommendations from Rotary International.  


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